As I grow older (42 this August ... whew!) I am appreciating the mornings. I can't say I always take pleasure in the process of "getting up", but once I am up, showered, dressed, and have a good cup of coffee in me, then ... I like the morning.
I enjoy that hush, especially in the summer. The birds are pushing out their praises. The bugs are flapping whatever it is they flap. I like the sound of "the bug" (I think it is a locust) that makes a crescendo pitched sound. This sound reminds me of the summers I would spend at my Grandpa and Grandma Lake's house in Richmond, Indiana. I love that sound. Earth is alive and going strong. Me? I am up, and slowly yielding to the day and what God has prepared.
Although mornings can begin with a certain awe and hope-filled-ness, I never truly know "what will this day bring." God ordains my steps. I know that. Yet, often I can organize my day in my head and in such a manner without the perspective that God does indeed have a master-plan.
Today I prepared myself for God's plan by reading Job. I was struck particularly with Job's response to losing everything - his oxen, donkeys, sheep, camels, servants and then finally, his children. Total devastation had visited Job's life. He woke up on a "Monday" and then life , his life, "fell apart" late that very same day. And yet ...
Job, in spite of his loss ... "fell to the ground in worship and said: Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised."
That I too may have Job's eternal perspective on the glory-filled character of God. Lord, help me to be ready for your purposes in my life this day. - GAC
Fixing His Words in my heart and in my mind!