Activist's Boycott Ends After Macy's Allows 'Christmas' Back in Stores
About this time last year, Manuel Zamorano was making his list, checking it twice, and Macy's department stores came up as naughty, not nice. This year, the Folsom, Calif., grandfather is singing a different tune, something more like “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.” Angry that the venerable department store refused to use “Merry Christmas” in its advertising or among its sales clerks, Zamorano launched a boycott, which Macy's officials quickly dismissed out of hand last year. But as increasing numbers of retailers face pressure from conservative Christians to ditch the more generic “holidays” for more explicit references to Christmas, Macy's relented and Zamorano called off the boycott. The difference this year, Zamorano and other activists say, is that their complaints are starting to have an effect. The U.S. Capitol Holiday Tree has been renamed the Capitol Christmas Tree, and rank-and-file people are growing tired of what Zamorano calls “political correctness run amok.” By Kevin Eckstrom. With photo. About 850 words.
I see Purdue University just the other day renamed its 'Union Spruce' a 'Christmas tree'. Duh? Did they think it grew in the student union? Did they think the Civil War was still going on? The only ones who didn't know, were the PC who attempted the overboard silly sensitivity.
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